Welcome To AHA Wellness Academy

Learn to Heal Using Natural Resources.


You Asked For It


Fasting For Beginners

√Fasting Mindset
√Fasting Myth-Busting
√Fasting Detox Symptoms
√Fasting Preparation
√How To Break The Fast
√How To Maintain After Fasting

Intermediate Fasting

√Different Styles Of Fasting
√Benefits Of Fasting
√The Importance Of Hydration
√How To Avoid Loose Skin
√The Unknown Truth About Electrolytes

Expert Fasting

√How To Outline Your Fasting Schedule
√How To Prolong Your Fasting Regimens For Optimal Results
and more

Diet and Nutrition

√What Is Diet
√What Is Your Optimal Diet
√Foods To Avoid For Optimal Health
√How To Transition Your Diet
and more

The AHA Fasting System

So You Can Get Things Done Using a Proven System as Your Blueprint.

I’ve developed “A Healthy Alternative fasting system” to literally help you get over the fear of fasting, get the support you need to push you through mentally and achieve your weight loss goals in record time.

I’m passionate about the “AHA wellness academy” because I did it for myself and also duplicated it with many others.

No more taking tons of supplements, trying to burn fat by being in the gym for hours and spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars on failed weight loss programs that over promise and under deliver.

People who struggle with their weight, whether it’s the first 100 pounds or the last 30 pounds, can benefit from the incredible power of fasting.



Featured Instructor

My name is Chris James. I’m a wellness coach, speaker and the creator of A Healthy Alternative wellness brand. I have one of the fastest-growing wellness groups on Facebook and YouTube boasting thousands of transnational testimonies. I have coached hundreds of people dealing with issues including but not limited to: seizures, infections, infertility, heart disease, and the list goes on. In this Academy, I share with you what I have learned through my many coaching sessions, personal experiences and rigorous research so that you can put it to use and make a life transformation or transformation as well.


New Courses


AHA Fasting System

This product includes over 24 hours of videos covering a wide range of lessons, including but not limited to how to lose 30 pounds in 30 days, beginner fasting, intermediate fasting, expert fasting, and much more. This is an excellent voice to teach A-Z how to prepare for a fast, create a fasting schedule, and break your fast correctly, with many other bonuses included. This offer includes access to the testing system archive calls and live coaching sessions.


We are excited to introduce to you theĀ AHA Premium Accountability Membership.Ā We have created resources for you exclusive to this group that are sure to assist you on your health and wellness journey. If you are new to fasting or have been doing it for a while this is a results driven, support group created with you in mind.

AHA 40 Day Wellness Digital Course

Prepare to immerse yourself in an Experience like no other. Learn about your limited belief system and how you can overcome obstacles and resolve group problems. The 40-day class includes three months of access to the Premium AccountabilityĀ Membership.

Let's Get Animated - The Guide To Animate Your Life

This program aims to provide solutions for the mindsets, behaviors, and actions that prevent people from being where they would like to be in life. Those who deal with depression, anxiety, anger, fear, addictions, and bad habits will benefit abundantly from this program. You will learn how to take control of your life through numerous practicesĀ andĀ activities.

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